Friday 10 June 2011

Crème Brûlée

One of my favorite desert is Crème Brûlée. Few years ago, I have researched and found over twenty good recipes of this amazing delicatesse. Some recipes, which give a good outcome, require quite a lot of preparation time while the ones not needing much effort produce a poor quality of crème brûlée.
Some of my friends in Europe, who also love this dish, usually buy this desert pre-packed at a supermarket.
When I am lazy, I also buy those pre-packed crème brûlée. However not all the pre-packed crème brûlée taste good. Having tasted quite a few pre-packed ones, the only one that is up to standard and that I would eat is the one from Nestlé. Unfortunately, this pre packed crème brûlée from Netslé is not available in all the European countries. So far, I could only find them in Belgium and France's supermarkets.
When I cannot find this pre-packed crème brûlée from Netslé, I would rather make my crème brûlée from scratch, which has the advantage to cost less and to taste better than any pre packed one.
After several experiments by combining recipes and adding ingredients, I have come up with this best and easy recipe for a perfect crème brûlée.
·                          500 ml “crème fleurette” (if you cannot find crème fleurette, replace it with  heavy cream”)
·                          4 egg yolks
·                          100 gram sugar
·                          1 tablespoon vanilla extract
·                          1/2 cup or so of light brown sugar.

In case you don't know what is crème fleurette: 

1) Preheat oven to 100 degrees celsus.
2) Whisk the egg yolks and sugar until the mixture becomes white and foamy.
Then add the vanilla extract and crème fleurette into the mixture. Mix it all up until it gets nice and creamy.
3) Pour this mixture into ramekins (those little ceramic dishes). Place the ramekins in a baking pan.
4) Fill the baking pan with hot water, about halfway up the sides of the ramekins.
5) Place the pan with the ramekins in the oven for 30 minutes to an hour or so. After 30 minutes or so check them every ten minutes. They are done when you can stick a knife in one and it comes out clean.
6) Remove the ramekins from the baking pan, set them on the counter, and let them cool for 30 minutes.
7) Then put them in the refrigerator and let them chill overnight.
8) Sprinkle a thin layer of the light brown sugar on the top of each. Make sure it is thin layer, but also make sure it completely covers the custard.
9) Now torch it! You need to caramelize (melt and let harden) the sugar.
(If you don't have a torch, you may try to put them in the oven (pre-heat the top at high heat) for a minute or so.)

Enjoy it !

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