Saturday 18 June 2011

Chicken Wings Stuffed Shrimp Paste

Today has been a quite busy Saturday for me. Since I did not want to spend too much time cooking and I still have some frozen chicken wings in my refrigerator, I decided to cook fried chicken wings. I use a chicken wing recipe from a famous Chinese Chef, Mr. Chow, called the Chicken Wings Stuffed Shrimp Paste.  However I have adjusted slightly his recipe to make it much more tasty as well as more simple.
So here is the recipe:

- 4 Chicken Wings
- Some Shrimp Paste (shrimps that are minced until it becomes a paste. Add a bit of salt, peppers and a bit cornstarch flour. Make sure that you use enough shrimp in order to fill the 4 chicken wings. I usually use about 250 gram of shrimps).
- 2 Chinese Water Chestnuts

- 5 tablespoon Vinegar
- 1 tablespoon Dark Soy Sauce
- 1 tablespoon honey

1) Peel the Chinese water chestnuts and chop. Mix it well with shrimp paste.

2) Remove the bone from the chicken wings and stuff with shrimp paste.

3) Coat the surface of the chicken wing with seasonings.

4) Heat wok at medium high temperature and deep fry the chicken wings to golden brown.

I usually find the chicken wings stuffed shrimp paste enough tasty so I savor those without any sauce.

Enjoy it.

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